automobile accidents recommended lawyers

Automobile Accidents

If you have been injured in an automobile accident, we can help protect your legal rights. We do not charge for the first meeting. We will immediately contact the other driver’s insurance company so the claim representatives don’t communicate with you directly any more. If you settle your case too soon, all your rights will be lost, even if you later find out you are much more seriously injured. You may also have medical benefits available to you through your own insurance company (called Personal Injury Protection, or PIP). We can assist with processing that claim.

We will investigate the facts, contact any witnesses and obtain complete copies of the police report and any follow up. We will also contact all the hospitals and doctors you have seen, obtain complete copies of their charts and any test results to evaluate your case based on that information. When you (not the insurance company) are ready to settle your case, then we will prepare a detailed settlement demand letter with all supporting records and send it to the insurance company to begin the settlement process. Call us so we can help.

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